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nova genesis


Theme: An Unexpected City
Selected site: Mars

Earth is damaged, but imagine we have a second chance.
Vital Resources on earth are at a dangerous minimum, over population is a real issue and despite humanity’s best efforts, the harm we’ve caused is irreversible.

with the amount of investment put into exploring mars, An inevitable solution to continue our survival is to colonize the red planet. It may take several thousand years at best to completely terraform mars and create a suitable, safe and healthy atmosphere. But at the pace technology is advancing, it may not be too long before we can live, contained within completely self-sustaining biomes. Here, each colony would have its own set of function-based biomes interconnected via protective links which can be accessed using personal transportation. The central dome can be inhabited by approximately 100,000 people. Here, they live their daily life breathing fresh air supplied by the plants - refreshing compared to the surroundings. A vertically stacked planning of services, facilities and public spaces allow for a greater amount of greenery. The residences attach to the structure which simultaneously supply them with electricity and water. All this is a small stepping stone, however, to enable researches to fully understand and eventually completely terraform the planet.

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